Boogaart, Dinie

Dinie Boogaart has been described as a colourful, talented, spontaneous and direct artist. She has worked as an artist for over 30 years and paints landscapes, portraits, and animals in a hart felt way in which she represents these themes in an immediate way. She works in strong, clear colours and with strong forthright brushstrokes. Her paintings are lively and sparkling. One cannot ignore her works, they ask attention and invite to look, and look again.

Dinie’s impressionistic brushstrokes give ample space for imagination. Dinie is a marvellous story teller. Dinie allows her audience to look at her work without dictating her story – she merely shares it.
Dinie Boogaart (1963) was born in Sneek, Friesland, the north of The Netherlands. She went to the art academies of Kampen, Groningen and Amsterdam. Her paintings are represented in private- and company collections.

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